University Honors Program (CSUF)

Graphic and Web Design
Background and Goals
As a Student Assistant for the University Honors Program at California State University, Fullerton, I was sometimes tasked to help as a graphic designer by the honors director since this program had a lot of activities and required some assistance in getting things done in a way that would connect with the honors students. As an honors student myself, I also understood the importance of pushing better design and user experience, so this was a job that helped me achieve all of that. The main goal of all of these projects that the director requested was to create designs that the honors students could enjoy and use as something to connect with.
My Contributions
Graphic design projects that the director (Dr. Sandra Perez) and honors staff tasked me with included: unofficial honors logo, photography, flyers, posters, shirt designs, and manage the University Honors Program website using their CMS while also following ATI (Accessible Technology Initiative) compliance.
Guy wearing the study abroad shirt made for honors students that went to the summer study abroad that was mostly in Poland.
University Honors Program
Student Assistant
August 2017 - August 2019
Work included: answer phone calls and emails, run errands, help process/print/bind/ship Senior Honors Projects (mentor, student, and office copies of each project), maintain computer lab/printer for honors students to use, social media communications, update University Honors Program website following CSUF and ATI (Accessible Technology Initiative) guidelines for new content on the website.

Skills used: Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom), Photography, Print Design (Flyers, Posters, Booklets), Logo Design, Shirt Design, Production Design, Website Design/Maintenance/CMS
Screenshot of the University Honors Program website in the middle of the summer of 2019. Desktop/lock screen wallpaper of a pathway with nature surrounding it as the background with a light color gradient over it with the UHP logo in the center.One of the student computers on the lock screen showing the UHP branded wallpaper I made. The quad is in view in the background.